Online Course Hosted by Pastor Dimitrios,
Teacher on living a miraculously life full of JOY and ABUNDANCE
with over 35 years of experience and Uncountable Miracles
This Training will reveal 29 ways
to perfect your prayer in just 3 modules:
Module 1
How to decide what to pray.
What you must do before even your prayer.
How you must prepare yourself.
What is the right order and what you must have in place before you start.
From what you must take extreme care because they are dangerous to destroy your prayer.
How to know from the beginning if God is willing to answer your prayer or not.
How to prepare yourself in order to be accepted in the Holy presence.
Module 3
prayer is not finished after the AMEN
How not to cancel your prayer.
How to help your answer-bringing angel.
Who you are allowed to speak to and who you are forbidden to speak.
Any time the answer can be stolen, even in front of you, how to protect it from happening.
What is the book of remembrance?
How to wait for an answer from God.

Sign Up For This Online Course NOW
Simple, easy to understand, step by step,
but most of all LIFE CHANGING